Monday, June 11, 2012

Speaker Profile: Cath Madden Trindle

Cath Madden Trindle earned certificates of European Research from BYU and Genealogical Studies-Librarianship from the National Institute of Genealogical Studies. Cath helped design and implement the online California Research Aid for the California State Genealogical Alliance (CSGA) at, contributes to the CSGA newsletter, CSGA blog, and CSGACopyright blog.

A long time member of the San Mateo County Genealogical Society (SMCGS), she has edited San Mateo County Naturalization Indexes, the Schellens Collection Index, co-authored the SMCGS Tree Climbing Guides, and writes Armchair Research for the newsletter.

Cath, whose past speaking engagements include the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree, the Salt Lake Institute (SLI) and the Federation of Genealogical Societies, is retiring from client research and speaking engagements after SLI in January 2013.

Cath Madden Trindle will be presenting Unclutter!
Does your genealogy room have a warning sign "Enter at your own risk?"  Does it take you days to find the picture of your great grandmother?  Do you have three or more copies of the same page of a book, gathered during three or more trips to the library

Well, you are not alone.  Welcome to the world of genealogy!

But......wouldn’t you like to make more productive use of your time and space. Come get some tips on how to assess your collection and get your genealogical materials, both paper and digital, organized in small manageable pieces.

Editor's Note:  I have mixed emotions about Cath's retirement from professional genealogy.  Her family, and grandchildren in particular, will benefit from her increased presence.  However, her genealogy 'family' will miss her personable nature and willingness to share her wealth of knowledge.  Family History Day is fortunate to be one of her few remaining speaking engagements.   

posted by Denise Hibsch Richmond

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